Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Nuttier than Squirrel Poop

On Juanita Jean's liberal blog webpage, the author had wrote a post on Michele Bachmann and her very insightful opinion on Marriage Equality.

Well it was more like a scrutinizing statement that "gays are bullies" and that they have "bullied the American people and intimidated politicians on their agenda building." Okay first to the crazy lady, um what?! Gays are bullies because they want the same rights as non-same sex couples have? Yeah okay, what century do you live in again? And secondly I just found this post to be absolutely funny because of the her picture in the post.

The post overall is short, sweet, and to the point. But it is also very opinionated and doesn't have much information other then the author bashing Michele. Which really doesn't make it all that great because it just leaves the audience to believe that the author is a very strong Liberal who just doesn't want to hear anything wrong with their views or beliefs.

Sure it is very interesting to read because the author states that Michele has "found her way to the top of the basket of crazies", which is pretty funny because the reader can tell by her use of diction that she is writing toward and for the average person with no educational background on politics, she makes it easy to understand what she is writing on. I think everyone should read this.