Monday, April 28, 2014

Ghosts Do Exsist!

This is a spin off of my earlier post about have the Texas legislature becoming a full time thing and having our legislators work hard for their money.

This post is about the "ghost votes" that take place during the last couple of days during the legislative session. Ghost voting take place when legislators aren't there to cast their vote but the other legislators take it upon them to do so. Why? Is it as a favor? Is it because they had permission to do so? Or is it because they are taking advantage of the absent law maker?

It all seems fishy and shady right? What happened to "one man one vote" I guess that only counts towards the citizens that are voting in the gerrymandered area. This is all just completely and utterly, for a lack of a better term, fucked up. How do can you sit there and vote at least five or so different times completely taking advantage of the system?

This is why Texas needs to have a full time legislature, if ghost voting takes place and no actions are being taken place to stop it, how is it that our voices are being heard? Not to mention it has a huge impact on what does and doesn't go through to becoming a law. How about we have more voting machines so all our legislators can vote once for themselves and lets have a full time legislature and stop being so shady. MMMMK Texas?

Monday, April 14, 2014


I agree with Mr.Waddell's post that Texas should help out their college students and focus less on the standardized tests. If the Texas Education system focused more on the students wants and needs, it will be able to help us get through our college years without having the trouble of worrying whether we are going to get a job under our degree.

We should adopt more policies that have the students of Texas in mind that way our drop out rates are low and so our education system would stop being the butt of everyone's joke. It would encourage us to go to school and want to stay there knowing we are going to be rewarded in the end for all our hard work doing the right thing. Nobody wants an uneducated fool running the country.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Texas, Y U No Have Time?!

As of right now the Texas Legislature meets only 140 days and at the stroke of midnight on the 140th day everything comes to a stop and all the Legislators call it quits and head back home. What happens if they don't get everything done in that time? Do they call for special sessions, do they pick up where they left off during the next session, or does it all just forgotten about and erased from history?

These are some valid questions that the people need answers to. Why is the legislature session so short? Obviously a lot can't be done in that short amount of time but yet there has been no move to change it or add in some extra time in places? Which can lead to whether or not an important bill is going to pass or not that is going to have a tremendous effect on our Texans, both good and bad.

Not to mention all the craziness that is going on in the Capital during the tail end of the 140 days. All the Legislators look like they are running around like chickens with their heads cut off. All of them are stressed out the wazoo with having to close up with their committees and finish voting on bills. But they can't be in two places at once. They either have to be running their committee or voting. And if they can't be there for the committee or to vote then who takes their place?

With more time for our legislators to actually run thing and have a smooth working system they need more then just 140 days to do it all in.